Just a quick sweep around for stuff that interests me that might interest you, starting with something I've definitely been late to the party on: Repo: The Genetic Opera. I can only hope this makes it to wider release after watching MOTHERFUCKING GILES kick it Sweeney Todd-style. Watch the trailer!
In less-bloody news, TIC has always been a supporter of Internet radio, especially in these days where more and more stations are content to voice-trak their way toward the "bottom line," rather than better radio. San Diego is a particularly heinous market. This is the kind of market where "alternative radio" means playing the same bloody Alice In Chains and Sublime tunes 10 times a day, and Nirvana's Nevermind is still in regular rotation. (Full disclosure: I'm also that guy, the one with the ridiculously large music collection. So I revel in my snobbery. Now playing, Fatboy Slim -- "Love Island.")
One particularly loathsome example of Corporate Radio at work occurred last week, when longtime -- and I mean decades-long -- mainstay Steve West was let go by former alternative kingpin station 91X, now dominated by a collection of douchebag jocks. Luckily for us, Mr. West is still kicking, on a larger, more open-minded station -- his own. Radio Nigel is, basically, the aural equivalent of the dearly-departed 120 Minutes. It runs cleanly on Windows Media and iTunes and the playlist updates in realtime on the page. Give it a shot.
If your tastes range more toward the modern, check out the latest mixtapes posted by The Mixtress. You can also read about her ongoing mix projects, the cool stuff she finds on the 'Net, and about the award-winning documentary made about her in only a week.
Yup, we're still talking about Heroes. Not only is last night's recap available for viewing, but, over at Racialicious, we've got a roundtable discussion of last week's much-reviled episode, "Villains." How bad was it? Not only did the show's viewership continue to drop, but the response to it over at Producer Greg Beeman's blog reached a staggering 87 comments, most of them in the negative. Plus, the pics Beeman posts, like this one of Mr. Bennet, are pretty nifty.
... And that's all we got for now. Now, stay tuned for a special announcement.
Besides writing my thoughts and reviews here, I'm a Special Correspondent for Racialicious.com and the co-creator and co-host of Hour 42, a podcast covering superheroes -- in the air, on the air and all around us.
Maybe I lied.
Oh, hey!So much has been happening!
I haven't blogged in so long, but I do miss it.
The one problem I always had with my own blog is that it felt a bit
I Live Such a Minimalist Life I Don’t Even Exist
there is nothing here I have one backpack, one bag of clothes, and three
ounces of primordial goo. You wouldn’t think that a poltergeist needs a bag
of clo...
I've been busy while I was gone...
One of the things that kept me from LJ was having to network for my
freelance illustration sidejob. I've managed to sell a number of my pieces
thanks to th...
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads. FRIENDS! Stay tuned,
TheNerdyBird.com is being completely redesigned and I'm so excited for you
to see it! U...
Beautiful Wedding Updos Hair
For many bridal hairstyle they choose for their wedding day almost as
important as the dress of their choosing. While every bride wants her hair
looks goo...
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