Now, I still maintain that the first Matrix film gave the superhero genre a much-needed kick-start and template when it was released, saving subsequent hero flicks (O HAI X-Men) from the likes of Joel Schumacher. So I'd be interested to see if a Wachowskis take on Kal-El would follow the "grim-n-gritty" template DC reportedly wants to go with in a post-Dark Knight environment. Personally, I'd say that, if DC is looking for a story that can make Superman "relevant" again, Joe Kelly handed it to them years ago.
Across the pond, The Sun is reporting that the new Doctor, Matt Smith, has signed a five-year deal worth a million pounds. Hopefully some of that cash will be spent on upgrading the ol' Police Box:
Finally: while I am all about the Facebook, this video, which The Nerdy Bird turned me on to, can't help but make me cringe a bit. Here's a look at how F-book might play out in our day-to-day:
Besides writing my thoughts and reviews here, I'm a Special Correspondent for and the co-creator and co-host of Hour 42, a podcast covering superheroes -- in the air, on the air and all around us.
Maybe I lied.
Oh, hey!So much has been happening!
I haven't blogged in so long, but I do miss it.
The one problem I always had with my own blog is that it felt a bit
I Live Such a Minimalist Life I Don’t Even Exist
there is nothing here I have one backpack, one bag of clothes, and three
ounces of primordial goo. You wouldn’t think that a poltergeist needs a bag
of clo...
I've been busy while I was gone...
One of the things that kept me from LJ was having to network for my
freelance illustration sidejob. I've managed to sell a number of my pieces
thanks to th...
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads. FRIENDS! Stay tuned, is being completely redesigned and I'm so excited for you
to see it! U...
Beautiful Wedding Updos Hair
For many bridal hairstyle they choose for their wedding day almost as
important as the dress of their choosing. While every bride wants her hair
looks goo...
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