Wednesday, November 19, 2008


That's my friend BeTheBoy in the chapeau. The reason he's getting his Tyson Beckford on is, he and his lovely wife were both named to the Hot Blogger Calendars, which are now for sale. Read more of Will's take on it here. And, if you find yourself with nothing to do one of these Saturday nights, you can watch them at their own videocast, BeTheMarriage LIVE! On Ice.


And now, something important I'd like to share with you all.

... Y'know, following my friends and supporting them in their campaign to make their respective calendars, I couldn't help but see who BeTheBoy was running against.

They seem like decent chaps, accomplished in their respective fields. But you know what?

I think I'm at least as hot as any of them. And if you know me -- I mean, really know me -- you know I'm not that inclined to say much more than "I clean up well," without a mic in my hand. But, you know what? I think if you sum me up, my life, my experiences, my likes ... that's kinda hot.

Maybe not on the outside. I realize I don't look like a lot of those guys. But in a wide-open new age, it's time to recognize someone who doesn't fit the "blogger mold." Who can step out just as easily in formal dress or something a little more comfortable. That's kinda hot.

Someone who can relate to captains of industry, celebrities, religious leaders and still communicate with the press.

Now, bear in mind this isn't the Nicest Blogger Calendar, or the Most Polite Blogger Calendar. I know I have a reputation as a big-mouth, a smart-ass. A maverickcocky bastard, a real Leo, both good and bad. Guilty as charged. But, hey, I'm not saying I always inspire; I just wanna make your knickers perspire. And together, we can all make this happen. It's going to be a challenging year. But I promise you the content to back up this campaign. I promise you that I will summon forth and demonstrate hotness many of you weren't aware I possessed. And I promise not to rule out any n00dz.

Thank you for reading, and for joining me on this highly arrogant, highly unlikely, but what the hell, highly fun journey.

Si Se Puede!


Hey Gepetto said...

Knickers perspire? Oh lord... Where do I sign up? *L*

AJ Plaid said...


...and see, this is what sucks with your being my Racialicious co-correspondent--I can't proposition you like I want, dammit!:-P
